About Our Future.

 Hello Friends!



I used to think that owning and operating a PC -- Personal Computer was just a WISH that I could never learn and never afford.  But after a trip to Florida, a smart, short, Jewish guy [a friend of my spouse back then] that I respected, who slowly taught me the art of taming down a computer and being able to SEARCH for nearly anything !!  Well, that is how I got into computers.  I was like a 7 year old boy in a candy shop with a fist full of money!!  Hey,  I still don't know everything about 'puters' but I know a lot.  I wish I knew and had a friend who would spend some time with me --- showing me even more tricks...  yes I am thankful for what I have, including a pretty, hard working wife named Lori.  

I am having more 'hits' on my blog lately but it's still a mystery how that happened, although very welcome... Thank you all for visiting me!!  But crying in my beer because I don't understand all the 'why's and wherefores' would only slow me down, when in fact the Lord expects me to get with the program and pull my own load before He takes action "on His own time and terms" as we, His followers need to focus on our studies and Christian ministry!  Because someday, and at the rate Biden is moving to destroy America --- to get us gobbled  by the "One World Gov't" basically run by Satan the devil, and his henchmen....  our now limited FREEDOM will end for sure!!  Smart folks/ experts  say that Bill Gates, and China already own most of our USA farm lands, etc.  Then folks like me will be prevented from posting stuff about the Bible, Jesus, Heaven and Hell, and true Salvation, etc.!  I LOVE America, and even fought for freedom in South East Asia, but I have to admit that our Government is very corrupt!  Sorry to burst anyone's bubble...

So, trained Soldiers like me already know that our earthly life span could be terminated at any time!   Of course, most mature Christians can prove everything they say, and I welcome any questions.  My Email:  tschuckman@aol.com    --- In that sense we committed Christians are in a sense living in a "prison" on 'death row' waiting for the executioner to escort us to the 'chopping block.'   Let us pray for each other NOW, so that the H.S. [Holy Spirit] will continue to fill us with courage and proud to be martyrs for our Lord.

So.... just what do the murderers, abortionists, rioters, looters, arsonists, and other godless goof balls have to look forward to?   BTW,  there are many other great Bible teachings still on U-tube.  Go for it!   Millions of guys and gals like me are old and suffering from old age, bad joints, being to heavy, on oxygen and too many dangerous Meds prescribed by lying "doctors," and BIG PHARMA... and it's ALL about money $$$.  Why would we want to drag on in life just to breathe and exist on earth  with no freedom--- when we are promised a much better life, forever, in HEAVEN, with the Saints and Jesus?  Now,  I am NOT advocating suicide or living on the wild side, doing dangerous things!!  Don't do that, please !  For those are thinking about taking their own life, why can't we talk, FIRST?  If we email at first, I might be persuaded to also talk on the phone.  Try me...  I want to help.  And I also have a very smart, kind pastor as my friend,  Kevin S.


Thomas G Schuckman

Disabled Vietnam Veteran: 68-70, also retired from Chrysler-- Kenosha, WI: 30.5 years, at the age 54.

BTW,  The definition of retirement is:  "Half the amount of pay/ money that you couldn't live on before, and a fake gold watch.  Ha!



'Dollar Cost Averaging.'

Biological Time Bombs.

Severe Drought in the S.W. -- USA.