Ignorance Vs: Stupidity.


Hello Friends, all over the World.

     Above, check out the Video LINK for ten whole minutes to see a great explanation of something that I have been repeating to people where ever I roam --- something that I learned when I was studying Finance, Investments/ Securities, etc., in North Chicago some 20 years ago when I was laid off from Chrysler Motors in Kenosha, WI., along with 6000 other auto workers earning a good wage and also looking for a satisfying, well earned retirement.   And I did retire with full benefits at age 54, bought a different house in the country, etc.  

"Stupid is Forever --- But Ignorance can be Fixed."   And this was on a sign on the wall at the office of Primerica Financial Services,  which was the 'Marketing Arm' of our parent Company, The Travelers Group, that also owned Smith-Barney, etc.   I never got rich, but I did learn so much!  

OK, the speaker in that Video [up above-- at the beginning] speaks pretty fast, and perhaps using a higher than normal vocabulary, so the 'average I.Q. listener will need to pay special attention.  It's just like the average person who reads the Bible only a few times a year, won't have the 'depth of understanding' needed to absorb many of those archaic words/ terms unless he/ she really applies themselves on a regular basis-- and taught by a well educated Bible scholar, IMHO.  In other words, we all have to start somewhere in life, and in school.

But many higher educated, godly, good, people know that it largely depends on the MOTHER at home, teaching her small children how to speak what ever their native language is, and properly.   I learned all this in college English class from a gifted, professor, Dr. Kirby, in Communication Principles 101.  

And I don't mind looking up the many words that I don't know these days because my good wife, Lori, showed me how to speed read my nifty, Cell Phone, and how to Goggle something,  a few years ago, and I became good at that.

     I used to say, "Never show something you've made or invented to a German or a Japanese person!  Because they will take that invention to the 'next level' by improving it so much that they will sell like hotcakes and honey on a brisk Autumn day in Wisconsin!  If it's a new vehicle, it will hold the road... and maybe even fly at Mach 2 !  Most of the great inventers and musicians came from the Northern part of Europe... LOL.  And about 1/4 of those hard working folks are descendance  from the Old Country, Germany, England, Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, Norway, Croatia, Israel, and Poland, etc.  Humans seem to grow very well when the average air temp is about 72 degrees Fahrenheit.

However, humankind also needs to learn/ study the KJV Bible, to learn about the God and Father of Jesus Christ, because Yahweh has a special Plan for mankind.  Not to worry... only a 5th grade reading level is needed for most of the Bible.

"Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."  -- John 14: 27b.

I am also on Face Book, but only seldom.. and I think that we all need to CYA [cover your anatomy] these days when many Governments seek to invade our privacy!  And please believe and research:  'The First 2 things the Gov't does right before a hostile take over are, Your God-given Rights of Free Speech and your Rights to Bear Arms to protect life, family and home !'  And once the Gov't  has your guns--- they will soon strip away all the rest of your "Rights!"   In America, it took a lot of blood, guts, sweat, tears, sacrifice and starvation to win our Independence from the British, some 250 years ago!!  War is terrible and nasty, but some things are so much worse than DEATH!  But REAL CHRISTIANS have something precious and special...  God's Grace, and the Holy Spirit.  Since 'God cannot lie,'  we can believe in the Resurrections of the Dead in Christ.   Do we really want to live like a whipped dog, and in bondage?  Soldiers KNOW what death is, and as I have said before, there are some things WORSE than death!  My email:   tschuckman@aol.com  

Please direct my humble blog to any and all Disabled Combat Veterans, as we love to help each other!  I am also in the "Air Medal Society" having served as a 'door gunner' in Huey Helicopters over in RVN [The Republic of Vietnam: 68-70].  That was a small part of my life that God allowed me to experience with His protection--- the way I see it.

Warm Regards,

Tom Schuckman



'Dollar Cost Averaging.'

Biological Time Bombs.

Severe Drought in the S.W. -- USA.