Do You Want more Proof?

 Hi Friends,


     You may have heard:  "Never be the first nor the last to try something new."  Wait until a product is TESTED for a while to see just what liabilities exist so you can count the long range costs.  

And now after you've all read this new little piece about the CDC Gangster spin off [or maybe 'white collar thugs/ gangsters' have been operating all this time in the shadows] is getting bold, but as the sunshine hits the windows -- the bugs try to hide.   Well, that is the state of the modern world right now and Satan, BTW.  I see non-stop magic/ demon based movies all the time and they are so bold!  

But to threaten diverse States with more disease is making our collective blood pressure boil!  And I would be very surprised to learn that our run away, Socialist Biden Gov't has full knowledge and all the tools to work this new evil scheme right into our American fabric--- of willfully spreading the new contagion of Covid virus.   So now, just WHO has the power and authority to knock down these new evil doers ??

Like I say, most real Christians who are Bible- savvy should know by now that we are well on the way to the OWG -- the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT !  And there are so many examples in the Good Book where Father God had to intervene to make sure that Bible Prophecy would develop the way God wanted it to pan out.  And President Trump was allowed to 'part the Red Sea' long enough to let the "right number of humans" into the Ark of Salvation.  

And my new game plan:  I am going to cut out white flour products from my diet for a while.   And since I don't believe in 'luck' --- just pray for me.

Warm Regards,

Tom Schuckman

Gangster CDC will release biowarfare pathogens to punish Texas and Florida

The CDC is a criminal "gangster" organization that has repeatedly turned to bio-terrorism and media propaganda to gain money and power.

Over the years, they've run media hysteria campaigns about AIDS, Bird Flu, Zika virus, and now covid. The goal is always the same: Terrorize the American people and use their fear to gain more power and funding for the CDC itself (while creating a windfall of revenues for Big Pharma, of course).

The CDC has a black ops team, and now that Texas and Florida have banned vaccine passports, the CDC will use its black ops teams to target those states with the release of weaponized pathogens -- most likely variants or "strains" of covid. This will be used to discredit TX and FL and push for mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports.

Hear the podcast for full details.



'Dollar Cost Averaging.'

Biological Time Bombs.

Severe Drought in the S.W. -- USA.