Getting Rid of Fear.

Hello Friends and Readers,

   Without tipping my hand or blurting out the wrong words,  I must admit that some facets of the 'China-Covid Virus' were scary for me because I am older with a few health concerns.  Heck, I know that I will die someday and perhaps sooner than later.  Biblical Christians who are diligent in their studies are promised a place in Heaven as Jesus promised in John, Chapter 12, verses 24, 25, etc.  Vs. 25, "He that loveth his life shall lose it:  and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal."  Well, if we have the Holy Spirit in us [as we should] our understanding should then be mature enough to dismiss our fear of death.  So, John 14: 1 says,  "Let not your heart be troubled:   Ye believe in God, believe also in me." [Jesus speaking].  This is repeated in verse 27, and vs: 26 talks about the 'Comforter' -- the Holy Spirit.  

Perhaps half of the people in the USA claim to be Christians now days and many of them also love our U.S. Constitution.  The 1st Amendment would not be possible without the 2nd Amendment!  The Founding Fathers knew that greedy, controlling, human Liberal-Socialist Congress and Senate in 2021 would soon crawl out from under a rock and try to take over, to rob and tax the citizens too much and then 'cook the books!'  

Just like one of my favorite dog breeds is the Rottweiler that was bred and developed to be a "Herding, working, type of dog for" cattle, etc.   I had a few of these great, noble animals, and I noticed that even when they are trained [actually when you take the dog to be trained-- the instructors train YOU!  Ha!].  They are good with children or 12 years or more, but they still tend to 'HERD the kids' into a manageable area or corner.  It's comical!  I wish I had another fine dog at home to lower my high Blood Pressure.  No matter how nice your wife is -- they still love to yell at their poor, retired, disabled husbands.  Ha!  All the women reading this will blush because they know it's the truth.  Smile.  Even my pretty, smart Nurse Practitioner at the local VAMC just admitted to that, this morning.  Her name is Julie, and she is a hard worker, and kind to me.   Our Congress also has the instinct to 'herd us all together' -- to spy on us and control us, soon making the new 'credit system of money' effectively a spying, watch dog, to track all of our affairs -- so they can better TAX us to DEATH!  This is also tied into the 'One World Gov't--Super Elite' who will next Rule the World.  And this is ALL Biblical... just check out the book of Revelation, as I have said before.  

Guess what?  I am a lazy guy too, after a super hard life of blood, seat, tears and danger!  I would change some of it, but keep the brains and wisdom I  have now.  I should have been killed many times in my life, but the kind and gracious Lord Jesus gave me several breaks in life and actually BLESSED me!  But these past few years my mind, heart and desire are concentrated in a place called, Heaven.  My mission here and now is to contact, share and teach as many godly people in the world as I can.  So, if you find merit in my humble blog, please share it with your friends and neighbors, before the 'new Gov't' bans all Christians and hunts us down... just as in many other countries.  

Remember, the Chinese Christians [underground] are prob more numerous than the whole USA, population!  If they get caught -- they either die, get imprisoned, or used for spare 'body parts' that even some underground Americans surely buy to lengthen their lives!  Is life so dear that even cannibalism is used??  But aborted baby parts are 'harvested and used' in the good, old USA.

    OK, friends, that's it for now.

Warm Regards,

Thomas G Schuckman



'Dollar Cost Averaging.'

Biological Time Bombs.

Severe Drought in the S.W. -- USA.