
Showing posts from May, 2021

Severe Drought in the S.W. -- USA.

 Hello Friends,   Below is the LINK to a great video that describes the severe Drought and projected burning agriculture predictions in the USA.  Prepare now. ----I WAS enjoying a good, healthy readership on my humble blog here for a while, but I honestly think that I told 'too much of the truth' about a few subjects so that the ultra Liberal Powers and controlling Media decided to 'weed me out of their program,' of course.    Half of my intended "copy" of the precious LINK to the video seems to have been pushed into some kind of smoky cloud thing.  So, not being a PC expert we will just have to take what we can get, sorry guys and gals. Somehow, someway, I re-injured an old super injury that almost took my life about 20 some years ago I was driving my nice Goldwing motorcycle for the last time that  year-- before the snow flied in late Autumn  when some 'Middle Easterner' in a truck 'ran a stop sign' when I had the

Beware: Shortages Coming.

  Dear Friends, Lately, I kind of expected to get a good whacking from the "powers  that be," such as messing up the keys to allow many other countries to read my posts.  Because I dared to publish the Right Side of what is going on in the USA and the world on my  humble 'On-line Journal.'   I personally feel that 'having the bare minimum of emergency Medication, gasoline in the vehicle tank, candles, fire, food, water, and protection, etc.'   It has paid off before, and even my 3-children found that my training helped us have a great, safe, fun time camping with a few other families in 'extended holiday excursions, camping, hunting and fishing.' And what is wrong with 'roughing it in the woods for one whole week, living in a tent?'  Well, let's all use our imaginations to plan ahead in the same way, by writing a list of things to buy or acquire BEFORE a certain date, or time period.  I used to think that I was so superior to other guys unt

Please Watch and Share.

Hi Friends,    Did you you ever just wonder why you were put on this earth and what 'mission or quest you are on?'  What ever happens to you from High School onward can be confusing.  And then after you are blessed enough to retire, you look back and try to make sense of it all before you die. Many will think and say:  "It's all about luck, or how, where and to which parents you have, etc."  But if you are a true "Believer in Christ and the KJV Bible," you will learn that Father God had known you were going to be born, where, when, how, etc!   Who knows what the Lord had in store for you, and why He allowed  you to stub your toe on a certain rock, suffer, find success, etc!  Humans THINK that they control A LOT -- but God rules and makes things happen.   On the other hand, from the first Book in the Bible, Genesis 3:15, states that there would be 2--sides in the Universe and on Earth, the Good and the evil.  To prove an important point the Father in Heav

Hunger and Experiments.

  Hello Friends, I was always 'pushing the envelope' in my younger years, inventing, searching, learning new things, but all that can be kind of dangerous too.  Yes,  all those thrills and spills on a motorcycle add up to more than bumps and bruises, and almost cost me my life a few times.  You don't have to be a crazy, careless driver--- and many times it's the other guy's fault for smoking, drinking, not paying attention, and women trying to put on their make-up instead of DRIVING!   And of course, flying in helicopters 7 days a week can become 'addictive.'   And so, as if the world doesn't have enough harmful, hurtful things to get yourself killed, our own GOV'T likes to experiment on us, too!  Ha!  We don't even need to watch 'horror movies' on TV or otherwise... we are living it right now.   BTW, those folks who live in places like, NYC, Chicago, Detroit, LA [add both Coasts] stand a good chance of having riots from BLM [Soros, Schum

Why WATER is so Important.

Hello Dear Friends, Avid Readers and Patriots. It's raining today where we live way U.P. in Northern Michigan, USA.    And when we got up 'early' to keep a VA appointment, the VA staff girl at the window 'front gate' tried to tell us that we did NOT have an, and this does happen more often than people think!   What Veteran likes to play "mind games" or put up/ tolerate stupid people who are suppose to PAY ATTENTION to their JOBS instead of 'visit/ and chatter with their next door/ window-- girl friends?    From time to time I like to take an informal census from my combat Veteran friends and I usually get the same reply... 'that most VA reps and staff couldn't find their glutinous maximus [ass] if they used both hands!'    So... that's why I always demand / ask my wife to listen along when the VA calls me on my cell phone, so that they can't play any flim-flam BS or lie to me, and that has happened many times in my