Common Sense and Reasonable Protection.

 Dear Friends,

That's Right, and I think that the title of my blog post today is appropriate, sensible, warranted and rational in 2021!  OK,  I know that most folks now days think that just touching a history book is evil, and people these days HATE THE TRUTH.  But with our modern P.C.'s ---Computers, we can find just about anything [that is immoral, illegal, fattening, or evil...LOL.  Just kidding...Ha! We can also find good stuff on-line, too.  Sorry, the KJV Bible has prepared the good people with the means to figure things out, that these very times we are living in NOW are the beginning of the END.  This Info was all recorded by the God Almighty, and God cannot lie!  --Titus 1:2.

And thanks to a good friend near me, about 12 miles away, named Kevin S, a better expert with the KJV Bible than I am --- just allayed/ showed me solid proof that some of my earlier fears were unfounded.  Reading the book of John proves just how much the Lord, Father God [Yahweh] loves us so much so that He sent His only begotten, beloved Son [John 3: 16] who had a life in heaven and a name--- to earth, and born of a virgin, to become our own Lord and Savior by shedding His blood on a cross in the most painful way, for all mankind !   But why not just read all of that true story for yourselves to get the true flavor that God wants us to learn?  Invest the time we have left to LEARN that story well enough so that we can also share it accurately with all we know!   Because, even if the people on the outside don't show any interest to get Saved--- at least God can tell Satan that every human on earth, at least had the chance to learn and accept the gift of FORGIVENESS and everlasting life in heaven.   The heathens are well versed in their own beliefs, even if they 'got it wrong.'  

Are we Americans so dumbed down, so uneducated, and ignorant that we can't even read or write?  The Socialists-Communists did that to our school system on purpose--- because a Democracy  required an educated population, dear friends.  But our country has been corrupted for a long time, too, by both political parties!       Jesus probably understood at least 2- 3 languages 1900 years ago!  Go figure...

But just like in that era in the First Century, 1900 years ago, most people had weapons to protect life, liberty, hearth and loved ones.  After all, Father God does not like cowards.

Spring is almost here, and we love the bright sun and warmer weather.  Let me leave you with that thought.   Have a great day.

Warm Regards,

Thomas G Schuckman


Breaking News from

Rep. Richard Hudson said last year’s record number of firearms sales in the U.S. was attributable to the Black Lives Matter riots and mayhem that engulfed American cities. Appearing on Newsmax TV, the North Carolina Republican said it was not surprising federal firearms background checks saw a 60% increase over the previous year, stating, “I see people looting and rioting. I see the defund the police movement gaining steam. Law-abiding American citizens, fearful for the safety of themselves and their family, are taking legal measures to protect themselves. It just makes sense.” Hudson’s comments came following his denouncement of two bills in the House that would further restrict rights of gun owners. Read More Here



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