Bill Gates---666, and more.

 Here is the LINK to my new Blog:

Tom's Logic Journal.

Good Day, Friends and Gentle Readers,

        What I have today is of great importance to all of my fellow Soldiers of Christ, to try and explain a correlation of things that parallel each other for just under 6000 years ago!   If we just turn back the pages of a good KJV Bible to the first book written by Moses-- Genesis 3: 18 and 19,  that's chapter 3, verses 18-19:  "Thorns and also thistles shall it [the earth] bring forth for thee [you], and thou shalt eat the herb of the field."  So... after Adam and Eve got kicked out of the Garden of Eden, never to return, Adam had to work all day long JUST TO EAT some vegetables and weeds, because he was made a PERFECT creature and knew better than to listen to his wife whom he was commanded to teach the rules taught to him by God the Father, Almighty.  But Eve was 'new on he scene' and listened to the serpent, Satan the devil.   Bible scholars figure that he loved [or lusted after] his beautiful, perfect wife, Eve so much --- and more than he loved his heavenly Father who gave him LIFE!!  Had Adam obeyed God, the sinful, weakest LINK of the chain would have been removed from the scene --- with another equally beautiful lady given to him, and so life in Paradise would continue with happiness and pleasure!  But Adam picked what he loved the most, and now had to bust his behind for life, and then he died!   Eve, too.  But there is a lot more to this true story, gentlemen and ladies. 

As we read in Genesis, life in Paradise was fun, carefree, sensuous, with plenty of fresh fruit, veggies, nuts and berries, with monkeys to play with, etc.  Adam was the head of the family but he also had important things to do, like name ALL of the happy creatures around him, and "subdue the earth."  Genesis is not such a hard, technical book to read, but it is important and much quoted, even by Jesus Christ.

Come up to speed to the year 2021 to find out what evil, godless men are doing on the earth, and we find folks like Bill Gates, the rich dude who doesn't even try to hide the fact that he supports, finances and helps configure dangerous drugs and substances that actually KILL humans!   Others are designed to sterilize human beings!   So that there are much less humans on the earth, as I posted about last night !   God Almighty sees all of this evil as very bad and sinful.  Once we learn about God's true personal nature, we can see why God is so angry about the stuff that is going on in the past few years, and all who vote to support this dung heap.  We guess that being filthy rich makes it OK, right?

Truly, dear friends and  readers, time is of the essence because the Father has promised to send back His righteous Son Jesus and all of the powerful angels to 'clean things up' in a meaningful way, and soon!

You can all get into comments if you show proper ID, so we should all comment in a respectable way and be civil.

Warm Regards,

Thomas G Schuckman

Disabled Vietnam Veteran: 68-70.



'Dollar Cost Averaging.'

Biological Time Bombs.

Severe Drought in the S.W. -- USA.