"The Cure is Worse than the Disease."

Dear Friends,

If I had to sacrifice myself to save a lot of other people, hang, get shot with firing squad, or die in prison,  THIS topic for consideration might be worth it !  It's about the Covid-19 Virus 'Shot.'  I had a few chances to get one thru the local VAMC [Veterans Administration Medical Center] Hospital because I am a Disabled Vietnam Veteran: 68-70, and old enough to know better.  So I repeatedly told them, "No Thanks." 

You see... people who join the Military are a totally different breed, and are trained to look carefully and THINK, as well as carry out ORDERS from our lawful officers and NCO's.  And you learn to 'beware' of many things that could mess up your life, future, and con games, and mean spirited tricksters who love to prey upon young, new recruits, to trick, steal, and take advantage of.  The first  unwritten 'Law' is:  to never volunteer for something/ anything!  Number 2, might be, Always make sure that you can identify what you are shooting at, and be safe [Rules of Engagement].  And it wouldn't hurt to bone up [read] a book called, UCMJ... Military Law, and Rules.  

I am not going to push my friends and loved ones to do anything, but I know that it's my Christian duty to WARN them of big time Danger!  Wouldn't Jesus do and teach this stuff ?  Shake your head, yes!  

Please take some of your time, get comfortable and save this special material all about the Covid-19 Chinese Virus disease AND the injected shot the Gov't is now pushing.  Ha!  Even the Dems are feeling 'buyer's remorse' right now!   Hint:  When Biden is pushing anything... BEWARE!   So....  what IF it could be proven that the injected 'cure' shots were/ are much worse than the virus itself?  And you all know by now that the 'fake News/ Media' are selling us a huge pack of LIES!!    What's new?

I started out with the Military for a reason.  Although I love and respect our Military, there are records from a long time ago--- decades, that prove the Gov't is guilty of doing so-called medical experiments on unwitting Americans, etc.  Some of the stuff from WW-2 are just starting to come out, but only places like the one I am promoting, and suggesting right here on this post have the guts and morality to make it known to the public.  So friends, for however long this Info/ Intel is yet available, read it, share it, and get to know God and His Son, Jesus.   Invest in a good KJV Bible to also learn the truth of which Satan the BIG liar tried to hide every day of the week!  

And here is one more huge surprise:  "No all good people go to heaven!"  You could start by reading John, Chapter 14, and see how far and long you can read for an hour or two.  Turn OFF your goofy lying TV, and draw closer to God.

Warm Regards,

Thomas G Schuckman

Email:  tschuckman@aol.com


 They Are Experimenting On American

s Right Now! Think that The Government Wouldn't Conduct Unethical Medical Experiments On Us? History Provides Proof They Will! Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths Are Very Real Despite Being Called 'Conspiracy Theory'



'Dollar Cost Averaging.'

Biological Time Bombs.

Severe Drought in the S.W. -- USA.