Survive a Heart Attack.

Dear Friends,

   Sorry to say, heart disease and also arthritis run in my family, so that is a "heads up" mentality after we get to be over 50 years old.  My own father had a stroke, and then a heart attack in his 60's, but he smoked, and probably ate all the wrong things, with a stressful job, etc.  Nevertheless, it's still a 'family curse,' IMHO.   And so, as an amateur actuary, and working in Life Ins., long ago, I think I pretty much know how long I will live on God's green earth, but I am taking it day by day, and so THANKFUL for every morning I wake up.

     But the reality is that we all live in a dangerous world, with wars, combat, starvation, drunk drivers, riots, crime, and Democrats!   Sorry, but the Republicans also let us down by selling out to the Socialists as they abandoned, and back stabbed President Trump not too long ago... just like Simon Peter did to the Lord, Jesus in the First Century about 1900 years ago, but I don't want to drift into politics today.

I just had an ultra sound of my neck at the VA a few days ago, to learn what I already suspected,  Carotid artery calcifications, DDD [Degenerative disk disease, arthritis, and a few other goodies, like my BP is way too high when my wife takes a reading at home, but the last time they took a reading at the hospital -- it was low and perfect!  Perhaps I should have kept this Info to myself, and I don't want people to feel sorry for me, except that I always appreciate other Christians' prayers and smart advice.  It looks like I now have a bunch of other tests the VA wants to do to me, and hoops they want me to jump thru.   I used to hate doctors and hospitals after an incident in Vietnam: 68-70, when I had to visit some of our shot up  Army Aviation company--band of brothers.  We were living in 9 man tents at the time when the VC launched a deadly 122 mm rocket attack at us in the early morning, about 50 yards from my tent.... 3 dead and 13 wounded that one morning.  Long story.  Young men-- with horrible wounds.  The scenarios that nightmares are made of.  I didn't realize that I had an unhealthy dose of combat PTSD until years later, but at least I got it documented at the Milwaukee, WI VAMC, so that helped me so much years later.

A good old, Army buddy just emailed me with news of L'Arginine, that might help some of my conditions, so I just ordered some.

When we have all this tension in the world right now and our Gov't loves to lie to us, constantly, but the powers just can't seem to prosecute them... in an upside down Society.  Just a sign of the times.  I can't afford to worry too much about it.  But I can take comfort in my daily bible studies with my wife.

Warm Regards,

Tom  S

 How to Survive A Heart Attack If You’re Alone



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