Silly Gun Control.

 Hello Friends and New People,

Some young folks, and malicious old folks who march to the Satanic  NWO [New World Order] are, of course pushing hard for TOTAL gun confiscation in the USA, along with the whole planet!  Then with most police forces 'defunded' the dark powers that be can rule from 'mob rule.'   See:  riots in major cities in 2020, MN, Washington State, Chicago, NYC, Milwaukee, and even my old home town, Kenosha, WI !   Kenosha -- I never, ever thought I would live to see/ hear about that, and I still have many old friends living in that area that used to be a great place to work and raise a family according to Reader's Digest.

Now, of course there are many cute, cuddly, colorful ways to say this, but giving up your/ our firearms is the 'lynch-pin' to most countries downfall and total domination from this Gov't or someone else.  Because dear people, if you cannot protect your Republic with our Constitution carefully guarded with Arms, you will LOSE YOUR OTHER FREEDOMS, for sure!  

I am not some big, rich, powerful, nobleman, but I like to research things like History and the Bible, so I traced my Family name back to the 15th Century to old Germany, but as the Bible says, we all came from the "Cradle of Civilization" in the Garden of Eden.  And we know just about where that was because the book of Genesis tells us -- We think in Iraq where 2 of the same rivers mentioned to be running thru the Garden of Eden are still in existence.  So long ago, my group of ancestors/people [After the tower of Babel] traveled to parts of modern day Germany, etc., and then some of them came to America.  Go figure that many centuries ago, my people armed themselves with swords, spears, axes, bows, hoes, knives, etc.  Even the Roman Army respected my people as they invaded France, the Romans pushed them back across the Rhine River, but they would not set foot in the Black Forest!   I remember translating this from my 2 years of high school Latin class.  

The point I wanted to make is, a Warrior, Knight, or Farmer would arm himself with the best weapon that he could afford, and still put potatoes, carrots, beef, pork and sauerkraut on the table.   A special sword from that area and era was called, the Grossmesser, which means, "Large Knife."  It's a long sword sharpened on the bottom side with a healthy 2- handed handle and a sturdy guard to stop the slash of enemy weapons.  

So now days we have well made firearms that repeatedly shoot many bullets, long guns, pistols and shotguns.  Think!  If all the law-loving, good, hard working Americans all turned in their guns --- then only the CRIMMINALS would have guns !   Or, the Gov't mostly ruled by the Dems might craft another goofy 'law' that restricts only a few bullets in a the clip/ magazine... so then the criminals will use weapons that hold 20- 30 rounds in their clips, and they don't give hoot one way or another!  Why not??   It's because the penalty for killing and raping one person carries the same time/penalty as if he killed 20 people!!   Chew on that for a while, folks.

BTW, criminals also know how to use bombs, explosives, knives, poison, arson, and trucks to kill people!  England, Germany, France, Africa, South American, Mexico and Scandinavia  still have mass shootings.  So there will be no lasting peace until "God's New Order" comes to town" and cleans things up.  But I just heard tonight on Fox News that many public schools on the East Coast are already teaching BLM crap to our young in grade school !!  They are sowing the seeds or war!

Ha!  Friends,  you are JUST starting to see what our new Gov't is doing for us, everything included!  And the promises all got flushed down the toilet before the ink was dry from Biden's pen and paper.  Many Dems already have 'buyer's remorse.'  And when Biden speaks -- no body is there to listen to his incoherent babblings, and he still cannot finish a complete sentence in English!  And all his Catholic buddies and his church must be wild about his position on ABORTION, huh?  So, most folks already know that it's his "handlers" who are running the show in D.C.

BTW, I wonder how all those National Guardsmen are doing in frosty D.C.?  Do you all think that he has enough protection?  After all, he did win the election by a whopping 'landslide' and legally, right?   So, why is he so scared of some fake rebellion, or a rush on the Capital,  when everything was on the up and up, duh? 

The trouble is, when all underhanded, illegal, stolen election, went down....  God was watching.  His short march and parade of 'glory' are fleeting, and most Christians feel that 'the God he mocks will remove him.'

Friends,  if you know of any combat Veterans out there who just wants to touch base with another Vet, please give my email address:  

And I will try to help them if I can.  Thanks!  We can all use a kind, friendly word.

Warm Regards,

Thomas G Schuckman   

The “Ethan’s Law” that Blumenthal referenced would require all firearms be kept under lock and key when they’re not in use or “under the control” of the gun owner. It’s one of several gun storage bills that have already been filed in Congress this session,



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