
 Hello Friends,

I hope your day is good, too.  I am happy even in my old age of seeing my body slowly age, but thank Father God for every good thing that I have, including a good, fine wife.   I even needed her to come with me early this morning to the local VAMC in Iron Mountain, MI., to a scheduled appointment with a pretty, nice Nurse Practioner, Julie C, who treats me well.  And so all my 'blood work' came out well, and the mature nurse 'Phlebotomist' [someone who draws blood] who was so skilled and polished that I didn't even feel a pinch!!  I  learned to pass up all the younger, pretty girls who are just starting to 'practice' sticking the Veterans as if we were all Guinee pigs, and opt for the mature, experts who know their stuff !

Breaking News From Moneynews

Peter Morici: Inflation May Be Here Sooner Than Biden Thinks

Special: The Real Crisis Is Just Beginning

If I have learned anything in my life, it's that MONEY/ riches can be either a Master or a Slave to you and me.  I was also young and foolish to think that I could borrow my way out of debt-- but that 'blew up in my face' so at least I learned a valuable lesson, and better to suffer when you are younger than in old age !!  A younger man can opt to work overtime or another job to help pay off debts.  But as I have said many times in my past blog posts, Credit Card debt can eat you alive... so much that many folks commit suicide to escape the shame and constant phone calls from people who want their money, and CC interest rate are so HIGH and savage.  The Bible says to NOT be in heavy debt.  
     And here is a nugget of pure gold, just look in the book of Exodus, etc. to examine what the Lord in Heaven established in the favored nation of Israel:  To show how serious the question of DEBT was, sometimes the debtor would have to sell his own CHILDREN into slavery!  But there were strict rules as to how the owner of a slave/ servant had to treat their servants with kindness, even though the slave had to perform hard work, or what ever.  They were to eat the same food that was on the Master's table and keep them healthy.  And every 50 years in Israel they were commanded to FREE all their slaves, no matter what, and 'repatriate' them to their proper, original properties and homes, so that the nation would not have 'continual poverty,' generation after generation, almost forever!  And that's just what happened in America until  Pres. Lincoln freed all the slaves around the year, 1860, which is one of the reasons that the civil war happened.
     But back in ancient Israel that was called the "Jubilee Year,"  every 50 years.   Yes,  Yahweh, Father God was a kind but just Creator and perfect in all His ways.  And I would guess that those people who made some big financial mistakes the first time and landed in poverty... the shame and dishonor, would learn that valuable lesson the next time around.   But they all had the written Hebrew scriptures back then, just as we have them translated now!  In fact we have all 66 books of the KJV Bible, today.  Smile.  See:  Exodus 21, to find out more about what the Bible has to say about slavery.      IMHO,  many laws found in the Bible times in ancient Israel have been carried over into the Ages of other countries, even the USA... However, sinful men have worked evil into the good rules and perverted most everything in law and customs, even here where I live, in America.... sorry to say.  God has promised to correct all of that in the future, and that is what we Christians hope, trust, pray,x and wait for.

It's funny how the rich and powerful pervert the good laws that are supposed to be good and fair to all!  I have lived long enough to see a lot of this perverse manipulations of the law... and now it has gotten out of hand with long, murderous, illegal, destructive riots, with much arson,  Many folks believe that Pelosi was controlling it all along with Schumer and the other rascals, just my personal speculation, with NO LAW and little enforcement!  
     I am sure that many just give up the fight for  Freedom and Fairness, claiming, "If you can't lick them -- join them!" mentality.  And there is no moral compass with all the 'broken families', divorces, school drop outs, etc.   With out a male, "father figure" in the house it's hard for a woman to raise the kids all by herself!  And just because some women can do it-- doesn't mean that they all should!  That is not the way God intended the human family to be structured.   More on this some other time.

Warm Regards,
Thomas G Schuckman



'Dollar Cost Averaging.'

Biological Time Bombs.

Severe Drought in the S.W. -- USA.