WHAT HAPPENED TO ME? I had to switch Blogs...

 Dear  Friends and smart Readers,

First of all, thank all of you who used to read my humble Blog even when I got side tracked, lost, and [you know what I mean...] when I say that the "dark powers" that include the recent 'group' of Dems-turned radical Socialist/Communists, looters, rioters and total jerks totally messed up my blog property so that it now looks like a 4th graders kind of work.... so sorry!  

My new Blog is entitled:  TOM'S LOGIC JOURNAL.   And it's not  yet the way I like or want it, still having trouble 'cutting and pasting' the old quality of my first blog.

But I don't need to tell all  you KJV Bible lovers and students that bible prophecy is flashing across the Headlines, even if the Fake News Media B.S liars, Trump-haters, BLM, and other goofy groups twist the truth, CHEAP, and usher in the Last Days and the Anti-Christ.  Can we all see the difference between NOW and one  year ago ??

And now dumb turkeys want to strip us of our firearms and other ways of defense, with all the damaging, violent RIOTS are going down in so many large and medium cities in the USA!  I am most likely taking a chance by just talking and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  But this is why an old, disabled Vietnam Vet: 68-70, is still working and serving the Lord, Jesus Christ!  But it's a labor of Love.

Again, If I can't resurrect my 'old blog' -- then I will opt for the 'new Blog' --TOM'S LOGIC JOURNAL.  I will turn age 72, on 2-20-21 !  I had a serious infection a few weeks ago, and with inflammation involved, the Left side of my face swelled up, scared me, and so I went to the VAMC where they gave me some strong Anti-biotics that I normally would never take, but all my Herbal meds/ cures were not enough.  With all my reading/ research, I now believe that the serious infection and inflammation made a lot of my hair fall out!!   And I now believe that even bad, virus, infected TOE NAILS can and do that kind of damage... and that is  just the beginning of your woes.  But you will never hear that from 'doctors' or 'Big Pharma !'

Take care, and please continue to pray for me.

Warm  Regards,

Thomas G. Schuckman

Email:  tschuckman@aol.com



'Dollar Cost Averaging.'

Biological Time Bombs.

Severe Drought in the S.W. -- USA.