My 'New Blog' is the same as my 'Old Blog' --Tom's Journal.

Dear Friends,

Let me set one thing straight, please, from the get-go.   This blog that you are reading now  --- is the same one that I used to write:  "Tom's Journal... the man in the door."   Something or somebody, somehow messed things up so that I could not write in my old format, which was much better, with better color and other 'fixtures' that I used for many years, read by good folks all over the world!  It very well could have been the 'dark side-- Dims-Socialists' with all their computer savvy and other ways to slip a major Presidential Election at the last minute while all other heads are DOWN, or just gone.  And maybe they will do the very same thing to me in the future.  

So....  "Tom's Journal," is the same as, Tom's Logic Journal !  And I am, Thomas G Schuckman, and I live in the cold, North U.P. of MI., far away from all the corrupt, filthy, violent cities where most of the Dems are holed up and 'dump on the side walks.'  I used to live, work and raise my family in Kenosha, Wisconsin, but I worked hard for over 30.5  years at AMC--Chrysler Motors and then retired with full pension at age 54, but I am also a Disabled Vietnam Veteran: 68-70 [2- full years in combat] with my 2nd tour with the famous 240th AHC @ Camp BearCat, in 3th Corp, RVN.  I also spend 6 months in Germany right after AIT at Fort Rucker, AL.

I used to WISH that I could have gone to the promised Advanced Individual Training after BCT -Basic, but who knows how and why we get put into places until it's all over, and you are already out of the Army...Ha!  "Be careful what you wish for...."  There will be plenty of time to dwell on the past, but right now we are in a war, and 2nd Corinthians 4:4., tells  us in easy to read and understand terminology, that it is Satan the devil really controls the Earth and promotes sin and rebellion against Father God [Yahweh], and His only Son, Jesus Christ... and that Jesus had a 'pre-human' existence in  heaven with His Father for millions of years!

Now, remember in school, your Math teacher didn't just hand you a book on Algebra to take home and read/ study the entire book in one night!  But that book would last the whole year of study.  The KJV Bible may be the most accurate, but older, Shakespearean English might take us longer to get used to... so be PATIENT, please, but get to know God's Word, but start NOW, today.  Because your live depends on it!   

And in today's violent, dirty, dishonest politics -- it's really not about that subject, POLITICS!  It's about a world struggle to change the entire planet Earth into a totally new, but dangerous, horrible, ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, or just two classes of humans, the rich, top 5% 'Ruling Class' --vs:  the rest of humanity, the poor, dying, subservient, low lives folks whose life is not even worth a plug Nickle !   The rich don't worship the REAL Almighty God of the Heavens -- but they do worship STD --Satan the Devil.  Yet he and all his demons will soon be punished for a long time, according to the last book, Revelation.  So Satan cannot even save himself, let alone any human being!

    More later, friends.  Please comment if you like.   And my email address: ----  And I cannot promise how long I can be with you all, or when the 'dark powers' will disabled my Blog again, kill me, jail me.   I have a good work record, never in jail, no felonies, and a great military record.  But just leave it to 'sleep Joe' and his VP to dig up some baloney on folks like me, for what ever goofy reason.  Just saying.

Warm Regards,

Thomas G Schuckman



'Dollar Cost Averaging.'

Biological Time Bombs.

Severe Drought in the S.W. -- USA.