Mastering the Tape Measure.

Hello Friends,

One of my favorite things to do when I feel well, and the outside air temp is not too cold is carpentry/ woodworking !   As a kid my Dad used to make me watch him and then also help him with his home work projects.  I think that he was a good teacher, but when I got older I joined the 4-H Club where most of the other farm kids had something to "show" at the yearly County Fair in Union Grove, Wisconsin--Racine County, WI.  The older man who lived near us was an older professional carpenter who volunteered his time to teach a bunch of farm kids in their teens, and for the most part they were 'works of art !'  And that is something that helps form good things/ habits in the minds and hearts of growing boys, and prepares them for later life.  Well, I never grew up to be a Master Carpenter, but I liked all the great compliments from others... and later from women who would 'wish' that their own husbands had such practical skills, etc.  But one word of caution, please, watch, read, and be very careful when using any power tool, because even I had some close mishaps and injuries with electric saws, drills, etc., and never drink hard stuff, beer, or do drugs when operating any machinery!!  Hint... the Drill or Saw doesn't have any brains, so it doesn't care if it takes off a few fingers, hands, or your eyes!!   Same thing while driving any vehicle, and now we have Winter and snow/ ice on the roads.  Beware.  

There are plenty of women out in the world who would love to learn a little woodworking skills... and I happen to be a good teacher.  A wife of mine who passed away from congestive heart failure... and broke my heart, Sharon, from Ohio, was just one lady like that, and I also taught her some welding and metal cutting skills, but she was a smart, fast student, and we both understand ENGLISH very well.  She also got a job of teaching the Bible at church in Kenosha, WI., also later at the nursing home that I visited ever other day. 

What ever you do in life, "Do it with your whole might.." says the Bible.  After our time on Earth is over and we live somewhere else [in a different 'World/ Environment' we will have a different mission and kind of work/ duty.  No matter how you cut it, no matter what 'game you play,'  life is like a huge store of quality rope... and when you run out of this kind of rope, that's all!

Have you ever had regret about turning down what could have been a good, quality plan of employment, and then realized what a huge mistake and total failure your decision was??  Ha!  I could write a thick, exciting book on my passed life and sell a few tons of them.  I attempted to do just that except that I did get called back to a good, well paying job with all the Bennies and then retired from there at age 54.  So we might conclude that I did make the correct choice at that time, and writing an autobiography  just didn't fit in with my plans and desires.  However, getting SAVED by the blood of Jesus Christ TRUMPS everything else in the Universe!    Well... you all knew that I would throw that into the mix !   But I am sure that most of us have some regrets in life, like time and money squandered  and hurting other peoples' feelings.  Too many times I have done that unconsciously, but still got into trouble and full of regret.   And then those people die without me knowing and before I had a chance to say I was sorry.

So many folks claim that they "know God" but they never, ever read the KJV Bible ONCE!  How can that be?  And if  you have a home PC or what ever machine that you do use, it's just like playing, Dick Tracey, the detective!  It's like living in the middle of an advanced, well stocked library, at the speed of light!  For me, it's another dream come true... but I get a sore butt sitting here so long...LOL.

Email me if you like my blog, or please comment if you have any suggestions that might improve my blog, or have similar interests.  Thanks.

BTW, isn't it fun to watch the 'new president' fumble all over the place, even though he is reading from a tele-prompter.  Ahhh, the 'shoe is on the other foot', now.  And watch how Mr. Biden works with the crowd of reporters and that of his red haired spox-lady.  I think she is kind of attractive, but beauty is only skin deep.

My own wife is very attractive to me, and has the patience of a Saint!  She helps me everyday, and I would be dead without her!  'Ich liebe, Loretta Schuckman!' [German].

Warm Regards,

Thomas G Schuckman 



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