Huge Darkness before the Light.

Hi Friends,

   I started a new Blog:  TOM'S LOGIC JOURNAL.  I hope I am not too paranoid, but for some odd reason my old blog would not work right.  Maybe it's the Conservative truth that got me side-lined and I know that the 'dark side' One World Gov't would not hesitate to shut me down.

I am just surprised that so many pukes stabbed dear Pres. Trump in the back, including many RINO's of the 'Deep State.'  It makes me sick.

Now, I don't know how long I will be able to post my humble blog, and I also have a lot of health challenges at age 72 and super hard work all my life that is now knocking at my door.  But all the recent so-called Fake News shows me that the 'dark powers' -- human species have just about decapitated the last free super power, America, that was a great protector of Israel.  But we are not in that favored position anymore...being the world leader in abortions, Porn, Pedophilia, child trafficking, Murder, that rises way into the heavens, and the Lord Almighty is watching!   If only the illiterate general population would turn OFF the TV and other noise in the house for one hour, they could read and understand that all of this violence, crime, and mayhem was all predicted in the Bible!  All this has come to a head, and ready to be lanced by the Great Physician who has also promised all the people who have confessed their love and support for God's Son, Jesus.  I believe that we shall SOON see a terrible dark time this year.

But instead of putting our faith in storing up food, candles, and money, we need to grow close to Jesus and study the Bible NOW!  Well, I know you've been hearing that in my humble blog for a long time now... years.  But the smart ones knew that it had to happen eventually, and times have really grown much worse.

I also fear that we may not have the use of twitter, InterNet, phone service, nor post office, and even  our money $$$ will probably change to some kind of 'credit system' so the new Gov't can spy on us, and tax us even more!  They will tax us to death, while the dirty leaders just get rich.  But those of us who have Christ can be happy... because we know that if we die or get killed, the Lord will raise us up to heaven!!

More latter.  My dried out fingers have bandages on them so that typing can be a reaql challenge... Ha!

Warm Regards,

Tom Schuckman 




'Dollar Cost Averaging.'

Biological Time Bombs.

Severe Drought in the S.W. -- USA.