Preparing -- Not Scaring.

 Hi Friends and gentle Readers,

   I am sure that we all are guilty of just passing around some email or F/B "News" that we didn't bother to verify or check first.  If we are blessed, we have a few good friends who will cheerfully correct us quickly to save us from further embarrassment. [2--r's, 2-m's, 2-e's and 2- SS's].   

   OK, most of us know for sure that the KJV Bible NEVER lies to us, and perhaps no one can prove otherwise.  But then , FEW people like nor understand pure History or the Bible.... and they say, "Ohhh, it's too boring and not interesting!"   But, to me, so is Math, but we all need to learn it, or we might be cheated or pay too much for items at the store, etc.  

Flash, my pretty wife just gave me a haircut a few minutes ago when I asked her, or made her keep her promise to me.  So minutes later I asked her if she would like to take a college course on haircutting/ barbering...Ha!  I was just joking with her.  

But politics has recently gotten very scary, nasty, and dangerous even here in the USA these last few years with people disappearing, dying under strange circumstances, like one old Supreme Court Judge who was just sleeping in a cabin while deer hunting and getting shot in the 'top of the head' and dying!  His name was Antonin [sp?] and he was a Conservative Judge.   That same thing happened in Clinton 's rule with a Dept. of Agriculture, going down in a jet over Serbia, but dying of a gun shot to the 'top of his head...'  And there were a rash of other strange death in that era/ decade.  And now that the Lefty-Socialists cheated their way to POTUS, there have been enough threats of retaliation to Republicans/ Conservatives, to strike fear into honest, hard working Americans, so where does it all end?  Yet, the Bible holds the answer to that question, too!

This is my 2nd posting tonight on my "Newly named Blog," and I am tired.

   My email:

Warm  Regards,

Tom Schuckman



'Dollar Cost Averaging.'

Biological Time Bombs.

Severe Drought in the S.W. -- USA.