
Rescue the Innocent.

Friends,    This is my New Blog Link: LINK  [to just click on the Link-- short cut]: ----So you can join the club for FREE [of course] or ear mark it with the special LINK!  Thank you all for visiting me ! ****************************************     I really thing that the subjects here tonight are 'REAL EYE OPENERS !'  Please give them some serious attention, and perhaps share them with your wise, intelligent friends.   I LOVE AMERICA, but our Gov't is totally CORRUPT !  It hurts me to say this, but it's true if you know where to look.  President Trump was using some "powerful people" -- top proven warriors, very skilled to rescue thousands of sad, tortured children living in unspeakable conditions.   That's why I love and support him in all his endeavors.    Army Hugs, Tom  S    Leading Vaccine Researcher Tells You What’s In The Covid Vaccine & Why It’s LETHAL Wikileaks Uncovers MASSIVE Pedo Ring During Obama’s

About Our Future.

  Hello Friends! LINK: I used to think that owning and operating a PC -- Personal Computer was just a WISH that I could never learn and never afford.  But after a trip to Florida, a smart, short, Jewish guy [a friend of my spouse back then] that I respected, who slowly taught me the art of taming down a computer and being able to SEARCH for nearly anything !!  Well, that is how I got into computers.  I was like a 7 year old boy in a candy shop with a fist full of money!!  Hey,  I still don't know everything about 'puters' but I know a lot.  I wish I knew and had a friend who would spend some time with me --- showing me even more tricks...  yes I am thankful for what I have, including a pretty, hard working wife named Lori.   I am having more 'hits' on my blog lately but it's still a mystery how that happened, although very welcome... Thank you all for visiting me!!  But crying in my beer because I don't understand all th

I really like and agree with Franklin Graham.

Dear Friends and Readers, It seems that once in the blue moon comes a talented, wise, brave, Soldier of Christ, willing to place his neck on the 'chopping bloc' --- to just tell the Truth now days!   Franklin Graham is one of those Christian troopers, IMHO.  He has the 'fire in his stomach' inherited from his father, also the Holy Spirit, and he is a distinct pleasure to watch and listen to.  Again, folks like me are betting the farm on seeing big time violence, angry, wild, looting crowds all sanctioned by G. Soros and the 'Dim party [sic]', that godless bunch of trailer park trash! And you can also believe that I had to live in some nasty places, like a G.I. 9--man tent in a far away place called Vietnam-- Bien Hoa Air Base,ithout running water   Remember.."this life is but a blinking of an eye compared to eternity"  Jesus is the way, the truth & the life...☝🙏   Love & Blessings, Sheryl The sad truth.   –NEVER SAID BETTER   Time is like a ri

Trump Won by a huge Margin!

Dear Friends and Readers,    I hope the graph helps all of us to see how     President  Trump won the election in 2020 by a large margin are shown here.   Yes,  shame on the perps who sold this lie to the American people!  I voted for him too.   He knows and values how keeping his word goes a long way.   The Good Book says that anyone and everyone will someday have all their deeds exposed before the 'Judgment Seat of Christ.'  So, since Christ is the ONLY way to Salvation--- should we serious, students of the BOOK spend more of our time reading that great, profound BOOK, preparing for that day?   I used to be a real 'wild ass' in my past but I was ignorant then.  Now that I know better, I MAKE time to read and study the KJV Bible often and also share it with my good wife, Loretta.   And I can certainly tell that she is learning at a good speed because she knows all the correct answers to the study questions we read.  " Repetition is the mother of retention." I

Let Us Not be Ignorant or Misled.

  DID YOU KNOW? As you walk Up the steps To The building which Houses the U.S. Supreme Court, You can see Near the top Of the building A row of the world's law givers and Each one is Facing one in the middle. Who is facing forward With a full Frontal view? It is Moses And he is holding the Ten Commandments!  DID YOU KNOW? As you enter the Supreme Court Courtroom, The two huge Oak doors have the Ten Commandments Engraved on each Lower portion of Each door.  DID YOU KNOW? As you sit inside The courtroom, You can see the Wall, Right above where the Supreme Court Judges sit, A display of The Ten Commandments DID YOU KNOW?  There are  Bible Verses Etched in stone All over the Federal Buildings and Monuments in Washington , D.C. DID YOU KNOW?  James Madison , The fourth president, Known as ' The Father Of Our  Constitution ' Made the Following Statement: 'We have staked the Whole of all Our Political Institutions upon the Capacity of Mankind For  Self-government , Upon The ca