
Common Sense and Reasonable Protection.

 Dear Friends, That's Right, and I think that the title of my blog post today is appropriate, sensible, warranted and rational in 2021!  OK,  I know that most folks now days think that just touching a history book is evil, and people these days HATE THE TRUTH.  But with our modern P.C.'s ---Computers, we can find just about anything [that is immoral, illegal, fattening, or evil...LOL.  Just kidding...Ha! We can also find good stuff on-line, too.  Sorry, the KJV Bible has prepared the good people with the means to figure things out, that these very times we are living in NOW are the beginning of the END.  This Info was all recorded by the God Almighty, and God cannot lie!  --Titus 1:2. And thanks to a good friend near me, about 12 miles away, named Kevin S, a better expert with the KJV Bible than I am --- just allayed/ showed me solid proof that some of my earlier fears were unfounded.  Reading the book of John proves just how much the Lord, Father God [Yahweh]  loves us so much

Emergency Vaccine Alert.

Hello Friends and Readers, Here is the LINK to my Blog: Thank You all so much for visiting ! Tom's Logic Journal.      'Never be the first nor the last person to try something.'  But if you keep a written account, time will be on your side and you will remember what works and what 'don't works' [sic].  And if you actually open the BOOK and read/ study it, you will wear it's suit of Armor that will stop all the enemies' [Satan's] fiery darts and arrows!   I have always wanted certain protections like that in my life, and so I joined various organizations, Military, etc.   Well, 'even the farmer's big, strong Ox will someday get sick and die.'  I was once that 'strong Ox' but now I feel my body breaking down more so most every day, and can't wait for the warm, sunny days where I can just lay in the sun to get tan, and soak up the valuable Vitamin D!  Ha!   I would be crying in pain and dying

American Currency will Devalue by 1/3.

 Good Morning,  Friends/ Readers, This is the LINK to my Blog: Thank you all for visiting my humble Blog: Tom's Logic Journal. As the Old saying [Scripture] goes:  'The writing on the wall by the mysterious hand from no where, at the king's feast...'  And every one there,  many drunkenly celebrating, were startled.   It was a Divine warning that the Babylonian  Empire would soon be over thrown, defeated and conquered.  And what a heart stopping spectacle !  It was like the 'water table' -- an underground 'aquifer' in the great State of Kansas where everyone knows about it, but they all use the water as if there is no tomorrow --without concern or thought, even though Gov't action was dictated from Washington D.C. way back in Eisenhower's Presidency, and after him thru JFK!  And, believe it or not, some of those measures were actually taken from the Bible --- letting the soil "rest" for a while while

Assault Weapons Ban of 2021.

 Friends All over the World, Here is the LINK to my new Blog: Please feel free to share it with all your Patriot friends.   Thank You! This topic is one of the prime reasons I enlisted in the Military, to serve and defend our great U.S. Constitution... especially the 2nd Amendment.   As people in the USA and else where in the world of humanity may see 'too soon,' History will be knocking on their brain pans, and then the world will NEVER recover.  Period!  And if you've ever read my humble blog, you must know that I 'filter' everything thru the Good Book, that comes from the Highest Source in the Universe.  I am putting all of my money on the words of the KJV Bible, and all my hope and trust in Jesus Christ .   But even when we set the Bible aside, History shows that once a nation loses it's right to own firearms, all the other rights crumble too, and who ever thought that our Right of Free Speech could be cancell

Herbs to the Rescue.

  Hello My Fellow Americans!        Right off the bat, I must state that I am not selling ANYTHING, nor promoting the sales of any product.   Please understand that.  However,  since I do study herbs all the time and use them successfully, I love to share that Info with all my friends. So in that vein I feel it is my duty to help my fellow man, and for free, all the time if I can. When I had my 2nd knee replacement surgery at a civilian place in Kenosha, WI., about 12 years ago-- Kenosha Memorial Hosp., down by Lake Michigan where I used to take our kids to play in the cool shade every Summer time, and also catch fish, like Coho Salmon, etc.   Yes, I call it "civilian" because 6 months prior I had the other knee replaced at the Milwaukee VAMC on National Ave., where they really messed me up with horrible pain after the surgery along with much verbal abuse and neglect from the black "medical" staff!  I refused to eat their food for fear that they would refuse to help

Help/ Protect our Veterans.

  Hello Dear Friends and Veterans: Thank you all for visiting my Blog, and here is the LINK: Tom's Logic Journal.      If ever a national group of combat Veterans and other Service Members needed some publicity and legal support, etc.,  it's our country's Military!   Just because they are supposed to be 'rough and tough' doesn't mean the USA-- especially the POLITICIANS [low life's, and blood suckers] can screw them over every chance they get!  We Veterans know what to expect from our Gov't as we read and study our country's long History, and we all certainly remember our own, personal, dealings, long list of personal abuses, insults, and mistreatments.  But there comes a time when we get older and read more ---and learn how to join together to protect each other, legally !    So let's all get with the program before all of the Veterans DIE... alone in their beds at some 'ware house facility,' please

Cinnamon for Arthritis.

Hello Friends,    What a beautiful, sunny, Spring day in the U.P. with air temps in the low 50's!  We even opened the front door and turned off the heat!   Most folks who know me understand that I have a good, God-given memory that I fill with helpful things, plants, Herbs, etc., to heal myself and ease the pain of Arthritis and Old Age.  Though I also have many hobbies, habits, and interests, today I just want to share this short article about Cinnamon.  I take it to maintain my blood sugar so I never have diabetes and poor circulation.  But now we also learn that it helps Arthritis! And stay tuned, fellow combat Veterans and Soldiers, as I intend to post some things involving the China-virus [COVID-19] that is 'much more' than just a terrible sickness...   And just a side point,   for those of us who know our KJV Bibles well, we can truly feel GLAD and  HAPPY as we find out just how terrible some 'dark, super rich powers' are planning the future of earth with thei